Monday, July 1, 2013

Kids Say The Darndest Things

  If any of you have spent more than 5 minutes with a child, you quickly realize kids have a very ingenious perspective of the world. While the adult world is overridden with nuances, complications, details, subtleties, and obligations, kids take things as they see it- maybe a bit too literally at times.
Now, one of my brothers, Chris, is never afraid to comment or ask questions, and some of his musings have been so priceless, I had to share them.

1. My mother shares the thought that she would like to take up fly fishing. My brother, alarmed, immediately counters: "Isn't that dangerous??".
Mother: "Not particularly, why?"
Brother: "You're so high up!!"

Chris thought fly fishing was performed from a plane.

2. We are at sushi, but Chris, not a big fish fan, orders Teriyaki Chicken. After all but devouring his food, an intense look crosses his face, and he turns to our table and asks: "What kind of chicken is a Teriyaki chicken?"

The next day my sister entered the kitchen in the morning pretending to be an Asian chicken.

3. My mother and I are driving to a girls lunch, but we have to drop Chris off at home first. On our way there, I am complaining about how horrendous my hair has been lately. After my angst filled rant, a voice piped up from the backseat of the car. Chris declares: "So? My hair is awesome." He then performed a Justin Beiber worthy hair flip. I was out-styled by a 9 year old.

Kids say the darndest things. When they do, I recommend you Paint It Blue and Staple It: write it down so you don't forget. It'll be worth it.

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